The project
In a project fully funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), the successful candidate will explore demographic responses of alpine biota (flowering plants and arthropods) to past climatic oscillations. Specifically, the following question will be addressed: • Did high-elevation species of the European Alps respond to Pleistocene climate oscillations by postglacial expansion or by postglacial contraction? • Were these range shifts affected by the ecological characteristics of these species? • Are past population size and range changes predictive of changes expected under current global climate change? By comparatively studying species from different plant and animal lineages, it will be possible to distinguish both (i) general patterns (i.e., applicable to many species) from idiosyncratic ones (i.e., applicable to single or a few species only) and (ii) patterns specific to certain major groups (e.g., animals vs. plants) from patterns specific to certain ecological groups (e.g., species from swards vs. screes). By identifying characteristics affecting the response of high-mountain species to global warming in a predictable manner, this research can significantly contribute towards generating hypotheses with respect to the fate of high-elevation species under current global climate change.
Your personal sphere of play:
- You will build up an independent research profile in the field of criminal law and criminal procedural law.
- You will be involved in research projects and academic studies in the field of criminal law and criminal procedural law.
- You will publish internationally and give lectures.
- You will prepare and complete a habilitation ready for publication.
- You will teach courses independently in accordance with the provisions of the collective agreement.
- You will supervise your students.
- You will be involved in evaluation measures and quality assurance.
- You will take on administrative tasks in research and teaching.
Your professional field of activity:
- Collaboration and research in the field of stochastics/mathematical finance/optimization:
Ihr persönlicher Spielraum:
- Mitarbeit in Forschung, Lehre und Administration
- Abfassung einer Dissertation mit einem Thema aus einem der genannten Schwerpunkte oder in Anschluss und Erweiterung dazu
- soweit noch nicht erfolgt, wird der Abschluss einer Dissertationsvereinbarung binnen 12 Monaten erwartet
- Selbstständige Durchführung von Lehrveranstaltungen gemäß den Bestimmungen des Kollektivvertrages
Ihr persönlicher Spielraum:
Die Abteilung Skandinavistik an der Universität Wien sucht Unterstützung in Forschung und Lehre. Als Universitätsassistent*in Praedoc am Institut für Europäische und Vergleichende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft (EVSL) bieten wir Ihnen die Integration in ein dynamisches Umfeld von kooperativen KollegInnen und den Anschluss an laufende Forschungsprojekte. Die Praedoc-Stelle ist dem Lehrstuhl für Skandinavistische Literatur und Kulturwissenschaft zugeordnet. Wir legen großen Wert auf ein kollegiales und harmonisches Arbeitsumfeld und achten sehr auf den sozialen wie auch fachlichen Austausch. Einen Einblick in unser Team und seine Arbeitsbereiche finden Sie hier:
Ihr persönlicher Spielraum:
- Sie wirken in nationalen und internationalen Forschungsprojekten und bei wissenschaftlichen Studien im Bereich Stadtsoziologie, vergleichender Sozialpolitikforschung und Nachhaltigkeit mit.
- Sie beantragen Projekte und werben Drittmittel in den Bereichen Stadtsoziologie, Governance, vergleichende Sozialpolitikforschung und Nachhaltigkeit ein.
- Sie entwickeln Ihr selbstständiges Forschungsprofil in einem der folgenden Bereiche weiter: Arbeitsmarkt, Bildung, Stadtsoziologie, vergleichende Sozialpolitikforschung, Nachhaltigkeit
- Sie publizieren in renommierten Journals und präsentieren Ihre Forschung einem internationalen Publikum.
- Sie haben die Möglichkeit, eine publikationsreife Habilitation vorzubereiten und diese fertigzustellen.
- Sie halten selbstständig Lehrveranstaltungen im Ausmaß der kollektivvertraglichen Bestimmungen.
- Sie wirken an Evaluierungsmaßnahmen und in der Qualitätssicherung mit.
- Sie übernehmen administrative Tätigkeiten in Forschung und Lehre.
Your personal scope of action:
- Renowned management programs: e.g. M.Sc. in Business
Your personal sphere of play:
- With your scientific CV
- With your letter of motivation (max. 1 page)
- With your work schedule (max. 1 page)
- With your list of publications (most important publications highlighted)
Vollzeit | Teilzeit | befristet
Your personal sphere of influence
- You actively collaborate in the area of empirical content, reception and effects research, especially advertising research.
- You publish your research in international highly-ranked journals.
- You present your research at national and international conferences, meetings, and symposia.
- You actively engage in applying for third-party funded projects.
- You hold courses independently within the scope of the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
- You participate in evaluation measures and in quality assurance.
- Contribution to the department administration is expected.
Your personal sphere of influence:
- You will develop a multi-part project with clear goals and defined manuscripts
- You will lead all aspects of your project from the development of hypothesis to the collection of data and publishing of results
- You will contribute to teaching as circumscribed by the guidelines for praedoc positions at the University of Vienna
- You will contribute, if needed, to the mentoring of master and bachelor students in the group, with an emphasis on training students in skills related to your area of specialization
- You will present your research at international conferences
Your personal sphere of influence:
- Contribute to the teaching and research activities of the Marketing research group with a focus on Marketing Communication and Consumer Behavior.
- Independent teaching of courses as defined by the collective agreement in Marketing.
- Write a doctoral thesis, we expect the successful candidate to sign a doctoral thesis agreement within 12-18 month.
- Additional Tasks: supervision of students, involvement in the department administration.
Your personal sphere of play:
- Development of an independent teaching and research profile
- Preparation and completion of a habilitation or second project (ready for publication)
- Together with other members of the chair: Participation in the organization of meetings, conferences, symposia
- Participation in project development and third-party funding applications
- Independent teaching of courses, examinations and student support
- Participation in evaluation activities and quality assurance
- Participation in the Center's administration
Your personal sphere of influence:
- You will be involved in an unique research project in which we collaborate with top scientific institutions such as NASA and NOAA.
- You will be in the field for large-scale aircraft measurement campaigns (typically several weeks per year) that only a few groups in the world carry out.
- You will characterize new instruments in the laboratory, perform airborne aerosol measurements, and analyze the coarse mode aerosol and cloud data from laboratory experiments and field observations.
- You will work on your dissertation and towards its completion in time. You will present your research plan to the faculty and complete a dissertation agreement within 12-18 months. This will be reviewed and adapted on an annual basis.
- You will actively and continuously perform literature search to independently locate relevant journal articles.
- You will contribute to teaching (lab courses, exercise classes) within the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
- You will fill some administrative tasks, contributing to the success and self-organization of the group for research, teaching and administration.
- You will contribute to outreach by publications, conference presentations and public activities.
Your personal sphere of influence:
- You are involved in research projects and scientific studies in the area of biophysical chemistry.
- We expect you to finalize your dissertation agreement within 12-18 months.
- You work on your dissertation and its completion.
- You hold courses independently within the scope of the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
- You take on administrative tasks in research and teaching.
What you can expect:
- We expect you to finalize your dissertation agreement within 12-18 months.
- You participate in publications / academic articles.
- You are involved in research projects and scientific studies .
- Yor are involved in the organisation of conferences, meetings, symposiums.
- You apply for projects and raise (external) funds.
- Independent teaching of courses defined by the collective agreement
- You supervize students.
- You participate in evaluation activities and in quality assurance
- You take on administrative tasks in research, teaching and administration.
This is what you do:
- Involvement in the department administration as well as in teaching and research administration
- Participation in publications / academic articles and research studies / presentations / research projects
- Independent teaching of courses as defined by the collective agreement
- Supervision of students
- Involvement in the organisation of meetings, conferences, symposiums
- We expect the successful candidate to sign a doctoral thesis agreement within 12-18 months
Your personal sphere of influence:
As a university assistant (praedoc) on this 4 year position, you will be part of the Aspelmeyer group, and you will be exploring fundamentals and applications of macrosopic quantum coherence in levitated solid-state platforms. Our Team is part of the Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics and Quantum Information group of the Faculty of Physics. We are member of the Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ), one of the largest quantum hubs in Europe, and of the Austrian Cluster of Excellence (quantA), advancing basic research in quantum sciences, aiming to expand the frontiers of knowledge and thus being the engine for future innovations. You will also benefit from being fellow of the Vienna Doctoral School in Physics (VDSP), being part of a thriving community with more than 100 quantum scientists on premise, about 300 quantum researchers in Vienna. The main research activities of the Aspelmeyer group include quantum optical control of levitated solid state objects, the exploration of their quantum properties for fundamental questions and novel quantum technology platforms, as well as precision measurements of ultra-weak gravitational forces. On the quantum side, we explore the extreme regime of motional quantum states of solids and their interactions to understand how to maximize mass, delocalization, and coherence time in quantum experiments. On the gravity side, we explore the extreme regime of gravitational phenomena of miniature source masses to understand how to isolate gravity from all other interactions on a microscopic scale. Our main motivation is to explore the interface between quantum physics and gravity with new experimental platforms.
Das ist Ihr Wirkungsraum:
- Mitarbeit bei wissenschaftlichen Studien im Arbeitsbereich "Didaktik der Geschichte"
- Mitwirkung bei Publikationen / wissenschaftlichen Artikeln / Mitarbeit bei digitalen Publikationen
- Abschluss einer Dissertationsvereinbarung binnen 12-18 Monaten wird erwartet
- Mitwirkung an und selbständige Abhaltung von Lehrveranstaltungen (im Ausmaß der kollektivvertraglichen Bestimmungen) im Rahmen des BA- und der LA- und MA-Studien Geschichte an der Universität Wien
- Studierendenbetreuung
- Vortragstätigkeit
- Mitwirkung bei der Organisation von Tagungen, Konferenzen, Symposien
- Mitwirkung in der Instituts-, Lehr- und Forschungsadministration
Your personal sphere of influence:
- are involved in process mining research.
- will work on your doctoral dissertation and its completion.
- will contribute to the teaching of courses as defined by the collective agreement
- will supervise students in bachelor and master projects
- will contribute to the administration and other operational aspects of the group's scientific and educational activities
Your personal sphere of influence:
- Cooperation in research, teaching and administration
- Participation in examination activities
- Contribution to publications/scientific articles
- Completion of a dissertation agreement within 12 - 18 months is expected
- Possibility of writing a dissertation
- Cooperation in and possibly independent holding of lectures to the extent of the provisions of the collective agreement
- Participation in and possibly independent teaching of courses to the extent of the provisions of the collective agreement
- Student support
Your personal sphere of influence:
We are seeking support in Scandinavian Studies! As a university assistant (Prae doc) at the Department of European and Comparative Literature and Language Studies, you will join a highly engaged team that offers a supportive and collaborative environment, as well as access to ongoing research activities. This Prae doc position is assigned to the Chair of Scandinavian Literary and Cultural Studies.
Your personal sphere of play:
- Development of an independent teaching and research profile
- Preparation and completion of a habilitation or second book project (ready for publication)
- Together with other members of the chair: Participation in the organization of meetings, conferences, symposia
- Participation in project development and third-party funding applications
- Independent teaching of courses, examinations and student support
- Participation in evaluation activities and quality assurance
- Participation in the Center's administration
Your personal sphere of influence:
- Participation in research projects / research studies
- Participation in publications / academic articles / presentations
- Participation in teaching and independent teaching of courses in medical law and public law as defined by the collective agreement
- Supervision of students, assistance in the administration of courses
- Involvement in the organisation of meetings, conferences, symposiums
- Involvement in the department administration as well as in teaching and research administration
- We expect the successful candidate to sign a doctoral thesis agreement within 12-18 months.
Your personal sphere of influence:
- Contribute to the further development of the Lagrangian transport model FLEXPART;
- Use FLEXPART, you will conduct research in the topical field of the doctoral thesis;
- Teach within the scope of the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement;
- Publish your scientific results in peer-reviewed journals;
- Strengthen the collaborative culture of our team and the Department.
Your personal sphere of influence:
- Participation in research projects / research studies
- Participation in publications / academic articles / presentations
- We expect the successful candidate to sign a doctoral thesis agreement within 12-18 months.
- Participation in teaching and independent teaching of courses as defined by the collective agreement
- Help with Supervision of students
- Involvement in the organisation of meetings, conferences, symposiums
- Involvement in the department administration as well as in teaching and research administration
Ihr persönlicher Spielraum:
- Sie wirken an Forschungsprojekten und wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen im Bereich der biophysikalischen Chemie mit.
- Wir erwarten von Ihnen, dass Sie innerhalb von 12-18 Monaten Ihren Dissertationsvertrag abschließen.
- Sie arbeiten an Ihrer Dissertation und deren Abschluss.
- Sie halten Lehrveranstaltungen im Rahmen der kollektivvertraglichen Bestimmungen selbständig ab.
- Sie übernehmen administrative Aufgaben in Forschung und Lehre.
Vollzeit | Teilzeit | befristet
Your personal sphere of influence:
- Completion of an undergraduate degree in the field of psychology.
- Completion of a related master's level degree on commencement of employment.
- Demonstrable interest (e.g. thesis topic and/or attendance at specialist summer school) in environmental psychology, especially nature and mental health
- Preferably demonstrable evidence of teaching experience (e.g. student assistant post).
- Preferably demonstrable experience in academic writing for publication (e.g. first or co-authored peer reviewed papers).
- Well-developed statistical software skills (preferably in R, Python).
- Competences in quantitative research methods – ideally knowledge of several of the following aspects of quantitative data analysis: analysis of large/longitudinal datasets, latent variable modelling techniques, structural equation modelling – and strong motivation and curiosity to enlarge these skills further.
- Excellent command of written and spoken English (C1 Level or above).
- Preferably good working knowledge of German.
- Full endorsement of current open science practices (e.g., interest in designing and preparing one of the PhD papers for journal submission as a Registered Report, see
- Communication and teamwork skills, commitment, autonomous work style, attention to detail, willingness to be time-flexible, and an ability to work under pressure.
What you can expect:
- We expect you to finalize your dissertation agreement within 12-18 months.
- You participate in publications / academic articles.
- You are involved in research projects and scientific studies .
- Yor are involved in the organisation of conferences, meetings, symposiums.
- You apply for projects and raise (external) funds.
- Independent teaching of courses defined by the collective agreement
- You supervize students.
- You participate in evaluation activities and in quality assurance
- You take on administrative tasks in research, teaching and administration.
Your personal sphere of play:
- You hold courses within the scope of the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
- You develop an independent research profile in the field of distributed systems.
- You get involved in research projects and scientific studies.
- You publish internationally and give scientific lectures.
- You join UniVie Doctoral School Computer Science:
- You work on and complete your doctoral dissertation.
- You co-supervise the research conducted by students.
- You engage with colleagues from adjacent fields and collaborate on interdisciplinary research.
Your personal sphere of influence:
- Participation in research projects / research studies
- Participation in publications / academic articles / presentations
- We expect the successful candidate to sign a doctoral thesis agreement within 12-18 months.
- Participation in teaching and independent teaching of courses as defined by the collective agreement
- Supervision of students
- Involvement in the organisation of meetings, conferences, symposiums
- Involvement in the department administration as well as in teaching and research administration