Tenure-Track Professor in the field of Medical Ethics and Diaconal Studies
- Doctoral degree/PhD
- Two years of international research experience during or after doctoral studies
- Outstanding research achievements, excellent publication and funding record, international reputation
- Gender and diversity competence
- Experience in designing of and participating in research projects, ability to lead research groups and acquire third-party funding
- Enthusiasm for excellent teaching and supervision at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral level
Your personal sphere of play:
- Design and synthesis of microbial natural products
- Supporting diverse projects in chemical biology
- Planning of complex multistep organic syntheses of biologically active compounds
- Target identification and/or natural product isolation and inhibitor discovery
- Presentation of research reports, manuscripts for publications and oral presentations
- Holding courses independently within the scope of the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement
- Supervision and training of students and staff members
- Support with administrative tasks, teaching and grant applications
Ihr Arbeitsplatz:
- Sie leiten selbständig Lehrveranstaltungen im Bachelor- und Masterstudium im Umfang von durchschnittlich 8 Semesterwochenstunden
- Sie leisten einen aktiven Beitrag zur (Weiter)Entwicklung von Lehrveranstaltungs- und Prüfungsformaten
- Die laufende Rezeption des aktuellen Stands der Wissenschaft sowie die didaktische Weiterbildung und die Übernahme von Forschungsaufgaben während der lehrveranstaltungsfreien Zeit werden erwartet.
- Darüber hinaus ist die Übernahme von Verwaltungstätigkeiten, insbesondere in der Administration der Lehre, Teil des Aufgabenprofils.
Your personal sphere of influence:
- You will be involved in an unique research project in which we collaborate with top scientific institutions such as NASA and NOAA.
- You will be in the field for large-scale aircraft measurement campaigns (typically several weeks per year) that only a few groups in the world carry out.
- You will characterize new instruments in the laboratory, perform airborne aerosol measurements, and analyze the coarse mode aerosol and cloud data from laboratory experiments and field observations.
- You will work on your dissertation and towards its completion in time. You will present your research plan to the faculty and complete a dissertation agreement within 12-18 months. This will be reviewed and adapted on an annual basis.
- You will actively and continuously perform literature search to independently locate relevant journal articles.
- You will contribute to teaching (lab courses, exercise classes) within the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
- You will fill some administrative tasks, contributing to the success and self-organization of the group for research, teaching and administration.
- You will contribute to outreach by publications, conference presentations and public activities.
Your personal sphere of influence:
As a university assistant (praedoc) on this 4 year position, you will be part of the Aspelmeyer group, and you will be exploring fundamentals and applications of macrosopic quantum coherence in levitated solid-state platforms. Our Team is part of the Quantum Optics, Quantum Nanophysics and Quantum Information group of the Faculty of Physics. We are member of the Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ), one of the largest quantum hubs in Europe, and of the Austrian Cluster of Excellence (quantA), advancing basic research in quantum sciences, aiming to expand the frontiers of knowledge and thus being the engine for future innovations. You will also benefit from being fellow of the Vienna Doctoral School in Physics (VDSP), being part of a thriving community with more than 100 quantum scientists on premise, about 300 quantum researchers in Vienna. The main research activities of the Aspelmeyer group include quantum optical control of levitated solid state objects, the exploration of their quantum properties for fundamental questions and novel quantum technology platforms, as well as precision measurements of ultra-weak gravitational forces. On the quantum side, we explore the extreme regime of motional quantum states of solids and their interactions to understand how to maximize mass, delocalization, and coherence time in quantum experiments. On the gravity side, we explore the extreme regime of gravitational phenomena of miniature source masses to understand how to isolate gravity from all other interactions on a microscopic scale. Our main motivation is to explore the interface between quantum physics and gravity with new experimental platforms.
Your personal sphere of influence:
- Participation in research projects / research studies in the field of history didactics, historical-political didactics or civic education
- Participation in publications / academic articles / digital publications / presentations
- We expect to finalize a doctoral thesis agreement within 12-18 months.
- Participation in teaching and independent teaching of courses as defined by the collective agreement
- Supervision of students
- You take on administrative tasks in research, teaching, administration and organisation of meetings, conferences, symposiums
- You are involved in research projects and scientific studies in the area of history didactics or civic education.
- You work on your dissertation and its completion.
Your workplace:
- You will independently teach courses in the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes for an average of 8 semester hours per week
- You make an active contribution to the (further) development of course and examination formats
- The ongoing reception of the current state of research as well as further didactic training and the assumption of research tasks during the lecture-free period are expected.
- In addition, the assumption of administrative activities, especially in the administration of teaching, is part of the job profile.
Tenure-Track Professur für Medizinethik und Diakoniewissenschaft
- Doktorat/PhD
- Zwei Jahre internationale Forschungserfahrung während oder nach dem Doktoratsstudium
- Herausragende Forschungsleistungen, exzellente Publikationen, Erfolge bei Drittmittelprojekten, internationale Reputation
- Gender- und Diversitätskompetenzen
- Erfahrung in der Konzeption von und Beteiligung an Forschungsprojekten, Fähigkeit zur Leitung von Forschungsgruppen und zur Einwerbung von Drittmitteln
- Begeisterung für exzellente Lehre und Betreuung auf Bachelor-, Master- und Doktoratsebene
Your personal sphere of influence:
- Participation in research projects
- Participation in publications/scientific articles/lectures
- Participation in and independent teaching of courses in accordance with the provisions of the collective agreement
- Student support
- Participation in the organization of meetings, symposia, conferences
- Participation in team, teaching and research administration
- Own scientific activities (especially writing a dissertation) are encouraged and supported
Ihr persönlicher Spielraum
- Sie arbeiten im Bereich der empirischen Inhalts-, Rezeptions- und Wirkungsforschung, insbesondere im Bereich der Werbeforschung, mit.
- Sie publizieren Ihre Forschung in internationalen, hochrangigen Zeitschriften.
- Sie stellen Ihre Forschung im Rahmen von nationalen wie internationalen Konferenzen, Tagungen und Symposien vor.
- Sie wirken aktiv bei der Beantragung von drittmittelfinanzierten Projekten mit.
- Sie halten selbständig Lehrveranstaltungen im Ausmaß der kollektivvertraglichen Bestimmungen ab.
- Sie arbeiten bei Evaluierungsmaßnamen sowie in der Qualitätssicherung mit.
- Die Mitwirkung in der Institutsadministration wird erwartet.
Ihr persönlicher Spielraum
- Sie bauen Ihr Forschungsprofil aus und bringen sich proaktiv in die Abteilung ein.
- Sie publizieren in internationalen, hochrangigen Zeitschriften.
- Sie stellen Ihre Forschung im Rahmen von nationalen wie internationalen Konferenzen, Tagungen und Symposien vor.
- Sie wirken aktiv bei der Beantragung von drittmittelfinanzierten Projekten mit.
- Sie halten selbständig Lehrveranstaltungen im Ausmaß der kollektivvertraglichen Bestimmungen ab.
- Sie übernehmen Studierendenbetreuung sowie Prüfungstätigkeit im Bachelor- und Masterstudium Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft.
- Sie arbeiten bei Evaluierungsmaßnamen sowie in der Qualitätssicherung mit.
Vollzeit | Teilzeit | befristet
Your personal sphere of influence
- You actively collaborate in the area of empirical content, reception and effects research, especially advertising research.
- You publish your research in international highly-ranked journals.
- You present your research at national and international conferences, meetings, and symposia.
- You actively engage in applying for third-party funded projects.
- You hold courses independently within the scope of the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
- You participate in evaluation measures and in quality assurance.
- Contribution to the department administration is expected.
Your personal sphere of play
- You build up your research profile and proactively integrate in the research group.
- You publish in internationally, high-ranking journals.
- You present your research at national and international conferences, meetings, and symposia.
- You actively engage in applying for third-party funded projects.
- You hold courses independently within the scope of the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
- You supervise students and participate in examination activities within the Bachelor and Master programs Journalism and Communication Studies.
- You participate in evaluation measures and quality assurance.