Ihre Aufgaben:
- Forschungstätigkeiten im Fachgebiet Physikalische Organische Chemie, insbesondere im Bereich der heterocyclischen Chemie
- Durchführung von Lehre und Mitarbeit bei Prüfungen
- Projektarbeit und Führung von Projektgruppen
- Publikationstätigkeit
- Teilnahme und Organisation von wissenschaftlichen Veranstaltungen
- Betreuung von Studierenden
- Mitarbeit bei Organisations- und Verwaltungsaufgaben sowie Evaluierungsmaßnahmen
Your personal sphere of influence:
- Participation in research projects
- Participation in publications/scientific articles/lectures
- Participation in and independent teaching of courses in accordance with the provisions of the collective agreement
- Student support
- Participation in the organization of meetings, symposia, conferences
- Participation in team, teaching and research administration
- Own scientific activities (especially writing a dissertation) are encouraged and supported
Vollzeit | Teilzeit | befristet
Your personal sphere of influence:
- You will contribute to our various research activities and scientific studies on language variation in Austria. This includes contributing to language data collection and analysis as well as publications of research results and other dissemination activities (talks, media contributions, conferences, etc.).
- We expect you to complete your dissertation agreement within 12-18 months.
- You will work on your dissertation (with a focus on corpus linguistics in the area of language variation in Austria).
- You will independently teach courses in accordance with the provisions of the collective agreement.
- You will take over administrative tasks in research & teaching.
Ihr persönlicher Wirkungsraum:
- Sie bauen ein selbstständiges Forschungsprofil im Bereich Strafrecht und Strafprozessrecht auf.
- Sie wirken in Forschungsprojekten und bei wissenschaftlichen Studien im Bereich Strafrecht und Strafprozessrecht mit.
- Sie publizieren international und halten Vorträge.
- Sie bereiten eine publikationsreife Habilitation vor und stellen diese fertig.
- Sie halten selbstständig Lehrveranstaltungen im Ausmaß der kollektivvertraglichen Bestimmungen.
- Sie betreuen Ihre Studierenden.
- Sie wirken an Evaluierungsmaßnahmen und in der Qualitätssicherung mit.
- Sie übernehmen administrative Tätigkeiten in Forschung & Lehre.
Your personal sphere of play:
- You will build up an independent research profile in the field of criminal law and criminal procedural law.
- You will be involved in research projects and academic studies in the field of criminal law and criminal procedural law.
- You will publish internationally and give lectures.
- You will prepare and complete a habilitation ready for publication.
- You will teach courses independently in accordance with the provisions of the collective agreement.
- You will supervise your students.
- You will be involved in evaluation measures and quality assurance.
- You will take on administrative tasks in research and teaching.
Ihr persönlicher Spielraum
- Sie bauen Ihr Forschungsprofil aus und bringen sich proaktiv in die Abteilung ein.
- Sie publizieren in internationalen, hochrangigen Zeitschriften.
- Sie stellen Ihre Forschung im Rahmen von nationalen wie internationalen Konferenzen, Tagungen und Symposien vor.
- Sie wirken aktiv bei der Beantragung von drittmittelfinanzierten Projekten mit.
- Sie halten selbständig Lehrveranstaltungen im Ausmaß der kollektivvertraglichen Bestimmungen ab.
- Sie übernehmen Studierendenbetreuung sowie Prüfungstätigkeit im Bachelor- und Masterstudium Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft.
- Sie arbeiten bei Evaluierungsmaßnamen sowie in der Qualitätssicherung mit.
Vollzeit | Teilzeit | befristet
Your personal sphere of influence:
- Completion of an undergraduate degree in the field of psychology.
- Completion of a related master's level degree on commencement of employment.
- Demonstrable interest (e.g. thesis topic and/or attendance at specialist summer school) in environmental psychology, especially nature and mental health
- Preferably demonstrable evidence of teaching experience (e.g. student assistant post).
- Preferably demonstrable experience in academic writing for publication (e.g. first or co-authored peer reviewed papers).
- Well-developed statistical software skills (preferably in R, Python).
- Competences in quantitative research methods – ideally knowledge of several of the following aspects of quantitative data analysis: analysis of large/longitudinal datasets, latent variable modelling techniques, structural equation modelling – and strong motivation and curiosity to enlarge these skills further.
- Excellent command of written and spoken English (C1 Level or above).
- Preferably good working knowledge of German.
- Full endorsement of current open science practices (e.g., interest in designing and preparing one of the PhD papers for journal submission as a Registered Report, see https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-021-01193-7).
- Communication and teamwork skills, commitment, autonomous work style, attention to detail, willingness to be time-flexible, and an ability to work under pressure.
About the team:
- Your scientific curriculum vitae and letter of intent
- Your list of publications
- Your summary of research interests (max. 1 page)
- Confirmation of your doctoral degree Contact details of persons who can provide reference letters
- You can apply via our job portal / Apply now – button
Ihr persönlicher Spielraum:
Auf- bzw. Ausbau eines eigenständigen Lehr- und Forschungsprofils -
Vorbereitung und Fertigstellung einer (publikationsreifen) Habilitation / eines Forschungsprojektes -
Mitwirkung bei der Organisation von Tagungen, Konferenzen, Symposien -
Mitwirkung an Projektentwicklung und Drittmitteleinwerbungen -
Selbständige Abhaltung von Lehrveranstaltungen, Prüfungstätigkeit und Studierendenbetreuung -
Mitwirkung an Evaluierungsmaßnahmen und in der Qualitätssicherung -
Mitwirkung in der Administration
Ihr persönlicher Spielraum:
Auf- bzw. Ausbau eines eigenständigen Lehr- und Forschungsprofils -
Vorbereitung und Fertigstellung einer (publikationsreifen) Habilitation / eines Forschungsprojektes -
Mitwirkung bei der Organisation von Tagungen, Konferenzen, Symposien -
Mitwirkung an Projektentwicklung und Drittmitteleinwerbungen -
Selbständige Abhaltung von Lehrveranstaltungen, Prüfungstätigkeit und Studierendenbetreuung -
Mitwirkung an Evaluierungsmaßnahmen und in der Qualitätssicherung -
Mitwirkung in der Forschungs-, Lehr- und Institutsadministration
Your personal sphere of play
- You build up your research profile and proactively integrate in the research group.
- You publish in internationally, high-ranking journals.
- You present your research at national and international conferences, meetings, and symposia.
- You actively engage in applying for third-party funded projects.
- You hold courses independently within the scope of the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
- You supervise students and participate in examination activities within the Bachelor and Master programs Journalism and Communication Studies.
- You participate in evaluation measures and quality assurance.
Your personal sphere of play:
- Plan and execute experiments on host-microbiome interactions in mice and humans.
- Plan and perform (meta)proteomics experiments using quantitative mass spectrometry.
- Analyze (meta)proteomics data.
- Manage and develop research projects and publish acquired results.
- Manage collaborative projects within our research group and with our collaboration partners.
- Teach Bsc and Msc students of pharmacy in lectures and practical courses.
- Supervise research projects of Msc and PhD students.
Your personal sphere of play:
- Development of an independent teaching and research profile
- Preparation and completion of a habilitation or second project (ready for publication)
- Together with other members of the chair: Participation in the organization of meetings, conferences, symposia
- Participation in project development and third-party funding applications
- Independent teaching of courses, examinations and student support
- Participation in evaluation activities and quality assurance
- Participation in the Center's administration
Your personal sphere of play:
- Development of an independent teaching and research profile
- Preparation and completion of a habilitation or second book project (ready for publication)
- Together with other members of the chair: Participation in the organization of meetings, conferences, symposia
- Participation in project development and third-party funding applications
- Independent teaching of courses, examinations and student support
- Participation in evaluation activities and quality assurance
- Participation in the Center's administration
Ihr beruflicher Tätigkeitsbereich:
- Mitarbeit und Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Stochastik/Finanzmathematik/Transporttheorie:
Your personal sphere of play:
- You will continue to build an independent research profile in your field
- You participate in and contribute to ongoing research projects
- You develop new projects and apply for third-party funding
- You publish in international journals as both the lead author and as a co-author on papers from the group to which you contribute
- You serve as the instructor of record for courses related to your area of expertise within the scope of the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement
- You supervise or co-supervise master and PhD students in the group, with an emphasis on training students in skills related to your area of specialization
- You contribute to group administration, such as the preparation of reports and personnel management
- You contribute to the maintenance of wet-lab and dry-lab infrastructure
Your professional field of activity:
- Collaboration and research in the field of stochastics/mathematical finance/optimization: