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Content Manager*in – Gestalten Sie die digitale Zukunft der Universität Wien!
- Content-Management: Pflege und Qualitätssicherung von Inhalten sowie Berechtigungen im u:space-Portal mit der Software Liferay und der Website studieren.univie.ac.at
- User-Fokus: Redaktionelle Betreuung und Gestaltung von Videos, Portalnews und mehr, stets mit Blick auf die Zielgruppe
- Kommunikation: Konzeption und Umsetzung von Marketing- und Informationsmaßnahmen (z. B. Infovorträge, Projektpräsentationen)
- Technische Unterstützung: Fehlerbehebung in u:space-Anwendungen und enge Zusammenarbeit mit Softwareentwicklungsteams
- User-Research: Erstellung, Durchführung und Auswertung von Umfragen sowie Unterstützung der UX-Expert*innen bei Tests und Interviews
- Schnittstellenmanagement: Zusammenarbeit mit Fachbereichen, um Prozesse effizient zu gestalten
Your working environment:
- Collaboration in the development and coordination of Monitoring Electoral Democracy, an (inter)national research infrastructure for political communication and election research
- Coordination and integration of (inter)national research networks in political communication and election research with a focus on manual and automated content analysis
- Organisation, coordination and implementation of various data collections and links in the field of political communication and election research (e.g. panel surveys, content analyses, experiments)
- Standardisation, validation and further development of methods in the field of manual and automated content analysis
- International publication and presentation activities on the topic of media, elections and democracies with a focus on manual and automated content analysis
- Supervision of student assistants
- Independent teaching of courses in accordance with the provisions of the collective agreement
- Student support
- Activities in the area of third mission and science communication
- Participation in evaluation measures and quality assurance
- Participation in research, teaching and institute administration
Your personal sphere of influence:
- Focus in the first year: Implementation of an Electronic Lab Notebook, including the development of relevant training materials, templates, and a monitoring system.
- Advisory activities and support for researchers in the field of research data management and open science, with a focus on biological (sequence data, microscopy) and chemical-analytical (mass spectrometry) data and data analysis.
- Design and delivery of tailored training sessions on research data management and open science, particularly within the Vienna Doctoral School of Microbiology and Environmental Science and the Postdoc training at the Center.
- Design of workflows for data exchange and storage of lab-based instruments, as well as their implementation in collaboration with the IT team.
- Design and development of innovative discipline-specific services in research data management.
- Integration with international platforms for the exchange and archiving of research data—awareness-building for sustainable research data management.
- Development of processes, policies, and standards for research data management.
- Support in creating data management plans for national (e.g., FWF Austrian Science Fund) and international research projects (e.g., EU Horizon 2020 Data Management).
- Assistance with the documentation and archiving of research permits, such as those related to the Nagoya Protocol or sample import/export documents.
- Conducting needs assessments among researchers at the center.
- Networking within internal university, national, and international networks and initiatives.
Was erwartet Sie?
- Sie sind für die Social Media-Strategie der FSW-Unternehmensgruppe verantwortlich (Analyse und Reporting, Weiterentwicklung der Strategie, ggf. Implementierung neuer Kanäle).
- Sie erstellen und planen zielgruppenorientierten Content für unsere Social Media-Kanäle.
- Sie übernehmen das Community Management und haben ein Gespür für die Bedürfnisse unserer vielfältigen Kund:innengruppen.
- In Ihrer Kommunikationsarbeit denken Sie vernetzt und beziehen all unsere Kommunikationskanäle mit ein.
Your personal sphere of play:
- You build up an independent research profile in the field of corporate finance and financial intermediation.
- You publish internationally and give lectures.
- You hold courses independently within the scope of the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
- You supervise your students at the University of Vienna.
- You participate in evaluation measures and in quality assurance.
Your personal sphere of play:
- Participation in the development of the research network Data Science @ Uni Vienna, especially for the new Masters programs Business Analytics, Data Science and Digital Humanities
- Participation in data science research
- International publishing and presentation activities
- Participation in the supervision of PhD students
- Project application and external fundraising
- Holding classes due to extent regulations of wage agreement
- Supervision of students; examination activities
- Participation in the administration of Data Science @ Uni Vienna (e.g. organization of workshops)
- Possible research foci include but are not limited to: machine learning, data mining, visual data analysis, mathematical foundations of data science, scalable methods for massive data or applications of data science, e.g. in physics, life sciences, economics, social sciences or the humanities
- Possibility to prepare and finalize a habilitation
Your personal sphere of play:
- Plan and execute experiments on host-microbiome interactions in mice and humans.
- Plan and perform (meta)proteomics experiments using quantitative mass spectrometry.
- Analyze (meta)proteomics data.
- Manage and develop research projects and publish acquired results.
- Manage collaborative projects within our research group and with our collaboration partners.
- Teach Bsc and Msc students of pharmacy in lectures and practical courses.
- Supervise research projects of Msc and PhD students.