4 Assistance Jobs in Wien, Niederösterreich und im Burgenland
- Durchführung von Versicherungs- und Beitragsrechtlichen Sachverhaltsermittlungen (inkl. der damit verbundenen administrativen Arbeiten) aufgrund von einlangenden Anträgen auf Überprüfung sowie einlangenden Hinweisen Dritter.
- Je nach Sachlage Beurteilung der ermittelten Sachverhalte (gegebenenfalls in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Themenfeld Recht) und Behebung von festgestellten Melde-, Versicherungs- und Beitragsdifferenzen
- Teilnahme an gemeinsamen Aktionen mit anderen Behörden
- Prüfung und Bearbeitung von Strafanzeigen der Finanzpolizei
- Bearbeitung von Agenden in Zusammenarbeit mit Sozialbetrugsbekämpfungsgesetz (SBBG) und Lohn- und Sozialdumping-Bekämpfungsgesetzes (LSD-BG)
- Durchführung der beschriebenen Tätigkeiten sowohl im Innen- als auch im Außendienst
Become part of our team!
- Contribution to research projects.
- Contribution to publications/scientific articles/scientific talks.
- Contribution to and independent teaching within the scope of the provisions of the collective bargaining agreement.
- Student assistance
- Contribution to the organisation of conferences and symposiums.
- Contribution to administrative tasks in research, teaching and administration.
- Contribution to research center ALES.
- We expect you to finalize your dissertation agreement within 12-18 months.
Ihre Aufgaben sind:
- State-recognised degree or diploma in healthcare and nursing or equivalent vocational training including professional authorisation for health and nursing care
- With a Bachelor degree in Healthcare and Nursing: willingness to complete a German B2 course with certificate during your employment
- With a nursing school degree:
- a recognized German B1 certificate is absolutely required (e.g. Goethe Institute, telc, ÖSD). This allows temporary work as a nursing assistant until reaching the B2 level
- your willingness to complete the healthcare and nursing bachelor degree – a prerequisite for the higher service. Admission to the Bachelor program requires English at B2 level / high-school diploma
Your personal sphere of influence:
- Focus in the first year: Implementation of an Electronic Lab Notebook, including the development of relevant training materials, templates, and a monitoring system.
- Advisory activities and support for researchers in the field of research data management and open science, with a focus on biological (sequence data, microscopy) and chemical-analytical (mass spectrometry) data and data analysis.
- Design and delivery of tailored training sessions on research data management and open science, particularly within the Vienna Doctoral School of Microbiology and Environmental Science and the Postdoc training at the Center.
- Design of workflows for data exchange and storage of lab-based instruments, as well as their implementation in collaboration with the IT team.
- Design and development of innovative discipline-specific services in research data management.
- Integration with international platforms for the exchange and archiving of research data—awareness-building for sustainable research data management.
- Development of processes, policies, and standards for research data management.
- Support in creating data management plans for national (e.g., FWF Austrian Science Fund) and international research projects (e.g., EU Horizon 2020 Data Management).
- Assistance with the documentation and archiving of research permits, such as those related to the Nagoya Protocol or sample import/export documents.
- Conducting needs assessments among researchers at the center.
- Networking within internal university, national, and international networks and initiatives.